Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I have always wanted to be" BLOGGER" thanks to my BFF Kerry http://kerrysjourneytogettingfit.blogspot.com/ and my cousins wife Anne http://loveandbasketballblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/christmas-shopping.html I have decided to give it a try. 

For the next few days I will blog about my ADVOCARE journey.  

Day One: a NEW Year a NEW ME 

I began the cleanse as followed 8 oz  of water and the fiber pack. The drink became some sort of slush and tasted a little like what I would think saw dust would taste like. I was for sure I had just wasted $30.00. I tried to drink as much as I could get down without gagging and proceeded to sing a song that Bryan and Ava sing... " NEVER GIVE UP". The hard part of the day was over for me. I loaded up the kids and headed to the gym for my Monday AM sculpting class. The drive is about 20 minutes and I am thinking of everything I could be doing besides driving to Athens. But, as usual I leave feeling GREAT and so HAPPY I went.  The Kiddos and I went on a very expensive trip to the grocery store to purchase the next couple of weeks of healthy eating and a realization that America is FAT purely on the fact that in order to eat well you must be a millionaire. Our day continued with a greek yogurt protein shake for lunch a BEER free Georgia Game ( I needed a drink for sure after that game.) and a Healthy salad for dinner. The last part of the cleanse for the day is 3 large horse pills.

I stepped on the scale 3 pounds lighter today. :o) 

DAY 2:  a NEW Year a NEW ME

I spoke to Kristen http://www.facebook.com/pages/Advocare-by-Kristin/120539541384918 and let her know the drink was awful she recommended drinking it with OJ. Let me just tell you the experience was sooooo much better. I was so worried about having to drink that again.  Today is not a GYM day the Gas budget can only take so much. I had another protein shake for lunch a few almonds and now needing to go fix our healthy dinner. I will update in the AM on my weight loss. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jenny! First, thanks for the shout out, I feel famous now that my blog was mentioned by someone else! haha...Also - Matt uses Advocare! He's a distributor, he takes the protein stuff for muscle gain. So if you need any more or have questions ask him! Although it sounds like you already know someone. So excited you started a blog!
